Welcome to the qjuke projects page!

qjuke is a Qt-based GUI for the excellent Mserv program by James Ponder.
The Mserv program is a non-streaming MP3 server that reads in all your Mp3s and, optionally, plays them randomly until some are queued up. It supports multiple users (who can rate and queue songs). Its nice if you have some sort of Musak-type setup where a single computer will power a sound system through a building.

The qjuke program provides a GUI interface to it. Currently it allows you to login to a server and get the album/track listings. You can then queue up songs are skip the currently playing one. You can also rate the currently playing one. Its still a tad buggy but does work. I have been  using it now for about a week.

qjuke requires the Qt libraries to run, and the Qt headers to compile.
You will need the QTDIR environment variable set in order to compile it as well.

Here's a screenshot of the program as it currently stands (ignore the status list on the bottom ;)
Here's a link to the web-based CVS browser.

Probably want a link back to the main sourceforge project page.

- Josh "Quay" Woolever